Alexander G. Matveyev (the leader)
is a Patent Attorney in respect of all kinds of industrial property protection in Russia. He is also a Eurasian Patent Attorney. His degree is in engineering (mechanics and metallurgy) in Moscow. He has worked in industry and has been an Examiner at the Russian Patent and Trade Mark Office. Alexander carries out an expertize by request of different courts, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Custom Service. He also represents clients at different courts including Court of Intellectual Property Rights.
He speaks English and reads German.
Natalia A. Matveyeva
She has a degree in engineering (mechanics and electronics). She was Departmental Head of Eastern Europe Department at Sojuzpatent, the sole organisation which carried out patent attorney functions in the Soviet era. The experience she gained at Sojuzpatent provided her with an unique opportunity of representing the interests of foreign clients at the Patent and Trade Mark Office. She also has experience in processing applications in the other a.m. countries and is also a Eurasian Patent Attorney
She speaks English and German.